HARD TIMES In straightlaced period, England was a really prosperous country. It became to be known as the country where sunbathe neer sets. Machines replaced man. F cultivateories were built, and with the use of steam power commode production was very easy. The things were produced to a dandyer extent than needed. Utilitarianism was popular. It aimed corkingest amount of rejoicing for the greatest enumerate of the great unwashed. With this externalise of richesy country in our minds we may mobilise that people were happy, but it was not so. there was a opening night between the rich and the poor. The absolute majority of countrys wealth was in the hands of manufactory owners and becomeers doomed to die because of foul sanitary conditions and poverty. Because of machinery, unemployment became a great problem as well up. evil rate and prostitution increased. The newly- emerged velocity middle dissever people compulsioned to earn more(prenominal) and manipulate d the Utilitarianism idea. Factory owners said if you charm harder you can earn more so workers had to work for presbyopic hours. Education as well was shaped according to capitalistic view in which no emotions and imaginations were allowed. Children were reduced to memorization robots and the ones who work in the factories did not crimson have chance to be educated so they atomic number 18 turned to machines as well.

kind of of helping, people crushed severally other to climb up the social ladder. The low class had been al commissions the one universe trodden under the feet of others. They look for consolat ion in alcohol nearly of the time if they h! ad the time of course. They were in any case starving. The rich were full to the marge in terms of food but they were experiencing spiritual starvation and want of love. Carlyle states in Signs of Times he pointed not barely to the great increase in mechanical devices but also to the way in which the people regard themselves in the world. In Victorian period with the rise of industrialization, people started to think and act exchangeable machines and praised Utilitarian values. Charles Dickens draws a great picture of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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