
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Final study guide peds

Monitor & Cos for balance, D alto lead offhery weights most Important. Nutrition fluids/delete/internal (gut) feedings/TIP. Medications engage protocol, path, meds dioxin *ion chromo, toxicity =n/v, halo, labs 0. 5-Eng, apical HER. Watch K+ levels(3. 5-5. 5) dont give if hypo because ? Diuretics, morphine Protocols for giving meds to children populate weight, give parents s/s gradient effects, dont regime meds if child thru it up because you dont hold up how much they got, parents need to know the dos/dont of medications.Dont tell them Its candy. Always start off with your first march being nursing. Example position before 02. Respiratory-remember everything is smaller Nose breathers bowl 6 weeks(? ) NSA assessment D, nose flaring, grunting, nasal flaring, anxiety (restlessness fidgety or listlessness), tachyon, sweating, BAG, 02 stats.. Interventions position increase head of bed, suction, 02, medication, do in that order. Care of tracheotomy. feel NC, blow by, mask. .NET, e t as far as 02 methods. Nursing care concern Pre-pop Postoperative Care Positioning -prone with head turned to the side narrow suctioning, only if necessary NO coughing, clearing throat, blowing nose Inspect all vomits for s/s fresh bleeding Pain management Entitlement as needed Cool water, ice pops no red or brownness colored liquids C No milk or ice cream neuron Always a change in LOC is right unless its already In the question. Especially with ICP. Know fontanels.For MS focus on the word muniment on EBB Corollary Increase In growth hormone aft(prenominal) bones have closed C.V.- cardiac defects cyanic ?hyperemia & agnostic= non as severe hyperemia as cyanic pale TWOFOLD, AAA, AS, AURA soda atrium VOSS ventricle construes aorta PDA closure DAD HP For all of this know top 3 AND, measles, BBC, nursing and perfusion(C)) positioning semi or lavishly fowlers, decrease HOB if in shock or if crease BP to get blood back to the heart. Monitor I & Cos for balance, Daily weights most important.

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